GO-Bio initial - for a successful start
Valuable ideas are often generated in the course of scientific work, and their further development can lead to innovative products and services. But how can these ideas be taken to the next level? In order to develop a concrete product or service, considerable financial resources are usually required. In contrast, most R&D funding programmes require extensive preliminary work and a fully developed concept.
This is where the "GO-Bio initial" project kicks in. The identification and sharpening of precisely these early research results and inventions with recognisable potential are the focus of the project, which is funded by the GO-Bio initial programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The goal is a seamless transfer of forward-looking ideas from science to industry. GO-Bio initial supports the further development up to a maturity that enables follow-up funding in an established funding programme (e.g. VIP+, EXIST, KMU-innovativ, GO-Bio) or a spin-off.
Who is eligible for funding?
Funding via GO-Bio initial is of interest to young scientists who are in a phase of professional orientation or reorientation (Master's students, doctoral students, post-docs) and are considering a career outside the traditional academic system, but also experienced professionals who are looking for a new perspective and are interested in the commercial implementation of their scientific results in a product or service.
What type of research is eligible for funding?
Funding is provided for projects in the field of life sciences at universities and non-university research institutions, preferably for the development of innovative
- therapeutics,
- diagnostics,
- research tools and
- platform technologies.
In the first stage of funding (exploratory stage), only individual projects are funded, while in the second stage (feasibility stage), joint projects in cooperation with companies are also eligible.
We support you in your project!
In the GO-Bio initial project of TransMIT GmbH, we support you from the very beginning. Together we will specify your exploitation idea and analyse its innovation potential. In addition, we provide you with tailored advanced training events and personal counselling on the way to your pre-proposal application for the exploratory stage.
In your GO-Bio initial project, we offer further support in the form of mentors and experts that answer your administrative or technical questions with their broad experience and specific knowledge.