Events Archive
Patentworkshop - Erfindungen und Innovationen in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
Auch und gerade in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und Forschungsergebnissen sind patentrelevante Erfindungen und Lehren enthalten. Durch Publikationen und öffentliche Vorträge werden diese zum freien Stand der Technik und können von jedem unentgeltlich genutzt werden. Vorher eingereichte Patentanmeldungen geben dagegen der Erfinderin bzw. dem Erfinder und der Hochschule ein Monopol in Form eines exklusiven Nutzungs- und Verbietungsrechtes.
Firmenexkursion zu DRG Instruments, Marburg
DRG Instruments öffnet seine Türen und präsentiert sich!
Patentworkshop - Software und Patente
Nach der Veranstaltung können Sie folgende Fragen beantworten:
- Welche gewerblichen Schutzrechte gibt es für Software und computerimplementierte Erfindungen?
- Kann Software patentiert werden?
- Welche Erfordernisse sind dabei zu beachten und welche Erfolgsbeispiele gibt es?
- Wie kann Software recherchiert und gefunden werden?
- Wie erfolgt der Ablauf von der Erfindungsmeldung bis zur Vermarktung an den Hochschulen?
Company visit at Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim is working on ground-breaking therapies that improve the lives of people and animals. As a leading research-driven biopharmaceutical company, the company creates value through innovation in areas of high unmet medical need. Since its foundation in 1885, Boehringer Ingelheim has been family-owned with a long-term perspective. Around 52,000 employees serve more than 130 markets in three business areas: Human Pharmaceuticals, Animal Health and Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing.
Development of active ingredients and medical devices
Sechstägige Seminarreihe, jeder Tag ist einzeln buchbar!
- Tag 1: Medizinprodukt-Entwicklung
- Tag 2: Impfstoff-Entwicklung und Wirkstoff-Entwicklung: Übersichtvorträge
- Tag 3: Wirkstoff-Entwicklung: Finanzierung, Klinische Studien und Zulassung
- Tag 4: Wirkstoff-Entwicklung: Methode der Target-Identifizierung und Target-Validierung
- Tag 5: Wirkstoff-Entwicklung: Überblick und Methode der Hit-Identifizierung
- Tag 6: Wirkstoff-Entwicklung: Methode der Hit-Profiling und Lead-Optimierung
Company visit at GSK Marburg
Marburg has a long history as a production site for pharmaceuticals. The first Nobel Prize winner for medicine, Emil von Behring, laid the foundation for the production of serums, vaccines and diagnostics here. The Behringwerke he founded and his healing serum against diphtheria were known far beyond the borders of Germany. Over the years, several independent companies developed from this company, which still manufacture various pharmaceutical products at the historic site. GSK - one of the world's leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies - is committed to improving the quality of life to enable people to lead active, longer and healthier lives. GSK Vaccines Marburg is part of the vaccines division within the company and is divided between three sites: The main plant, Görzhausen I and the MARS Campus (Marburg site), where 1,100 employees are dedicated to helping people before they get sick. In Marburg, GSK produces vaccines, or vaccine components, against TBE, rabies, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis and against certain meningococcal serogroups.
Company excursions at Roche, Mannheim
Roche was founded in Basel, Switzerland, in 1896 as one of the first industrial manufacturers of branded pharmaceuticals and has developed into the world's largest biotechnology company and the global market leader in in vitro diagnostics. The Mannheim site, with the manufacturing companies Roche Diagnostics GmbH and Roche Diabetes Care GmbH and the German sales companies Roche Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH and Roche Diabetes Care Deutschland GmbH, is Roche's third-largest site worldwide with around 8,400 employees. Among other things, products and solutions for people with diabetes or cardiovascular diseases are developed here, for example blood glucose monitoring systems. Within the Roche Group, Mannheim is also one of three centres of excellence for parenteral medicines, i.e. medicines that are administered as injections or infusions. In addition, important products for in-vitro diagnostics are produced in Mannheim. Daily, products from the global logistics centre for Roche Diagnostics in Mannheim are shipped to more than 170 countries.
Company visit at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt
Founded in 1668, the family-owned company has evolved into a leading healthcare, life science and electronics company in its 350-year history and today employs 62,770 people in 66 countries. The group headquarters in Darmstadt is also the largest research and development centre and production site for high-quality medicines, high-tech chemicals and innovative laboratory materials for life science research.
Company excursion at CSL Behring, Marburg
CSL Behring is one of the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of innovative, life-saving medicines made from human plasma and related therapeutics. The company employs over 27,000 people worldwide, including around 3,000 in Marburg, CSL Behring's largest production and research site in Germany.
Entwicklung von Wirkstoffen & Medizinprodukten: Von der Grundidee bis zur Anwendung
Sechstägige Seminarreihe, jeder Tag ist einzeln buchbar!
- Tag 1: Einführung in die Wirkstoff-Entwicklung - Übersichtsvorträge
- Tag 2: Wirkstoff-Entwicklung: Methode der Hit-Findung und Lead-Optimierung
- Tag 3: Wirkstoff-Entwicklung: Methode der Target-Identifizierung und Target-Validierung; Impfstoff-Entwicklung
- Tag 4: Einführung in die Medizinprodukte-Entwicklung
- Tag 5: Einführung in die Medizintechnik, Ökodesign, Biomarker und in-vitro Diagnostika
- Tag 6: Ökonomische Projektbewertung und Business Case